Internal Hackathons

Engage your employees in the innovation process

Through our fully customized online platform, Internal Hackathons enable employees to step outside their daily routine and find creative solutions to drive the company forward. 

Internal ideathon

Community Hackathons 

Invite a specialized, skilled community to link up with your employees and form hybrid teams. Fresh-thinkers from universities can deliver new perspectives, startup members can boost entrepreneurial spirit and external developers can help foster digital proficiency.  

Innovation Hackathons 

Engage employees in the innovation process, create hybrid teams from all areas of expertise and departments, to spawn out-of-the-box thinking that’ll hack change into your company. Motivate and boost your employees critical thinking as they forge innovative ideas. 


The benefits of an internal hackathon include the opportunity to: 

  • Insert employees from across your company into the innovation process 

  • Harbour in fresh thinking, new ideas and develop your business future 

  • Retain and reskill your workforce with peer learning and project-based work 


Get inspired. Get in touch.

We’re ready to assist with any enquiries or questions you might have.

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