The ISP Innovation Hackathon 2020 has officially concluded.
After 5 days of hacking, 34 participants across 8 teams, 5 esteemed judges and 3 fantastically inspirational webinars later, we congratulate team B.E.R.L.I.N. Their winning concept will help shape International Study Programs’ approach to keeping students and universities connected and engaged during these challenging times.
We’d like to extend our thanks to all the judges, mentors, speakers and of course the participants who all put in incredible work over the course of the event. Internal ISP employees were given a week-long space to procure intrapreneurship, broaden their horizons outside of their daily routine as well as assistance in building new skills through design thinking, webinars and presentations.
The winning team will now go through an idea incubation period to see their concept come to fruition. The event may be over, but remember, a hackathon is just the start of an innovation journey!

Internal Hackathon:
International Study Programs
Innovation Challenge 2020
Main Event: Oct 19 – Oct 23, 2020
Reshaping the future of education
Company brief:
Since 1999, International Study Programs (ISP) has crafted short-term study abroad trips for business schools mainly from the USA, UK & Australia.
We’ve designed programs in more than 140 destinations around the world with the aim of enhancing students’ business acumen, cross-cultural understanding, and leadership skills. Furthermore, we promote interactions with local business representatives which are crucial for expanding professional networks.
One-week long itineraries are tailored to each group’s specific needs, all designed around the central philosophy of high-impact, experiential learning.
Challenge brief:
COVID-19 brought about an abrupt halt on travel and the future of these trips has been put into question.
So we turn to you, if you have an idea which could help to prevent business students from losing such an opportunity to gain vital knowledge acquired through these immersive global business experiences, we want to hear from you!
Take your solution to the next level by participating in this challenge!
Join the challenge now
When registering use the program identifier: DCHLTC
Main challenge:
How can ISP adjust for the future?
You can choose from 2 categories:
Category 1
Hack our current product
How will the short-term study abroad programs adapt to the post-COVID era? Redesign the ISP core product of the future.
Category 2
Create a new product or service
What can we sell now to our audience?. Consider ISP’s strengths (e.g. global network, knowledge, agile team)
Sep 25 – Oct 5, 2020
Registration deadline
Oct 5, 2020
Oct 5 – Oct 16, 2020
Hacking and mentoring
Oct 19 – Oct 23, 2020
Oct 23, 2020
Judging criteria:
Impact on the customers (immersiveness & educational impact)
Relevancy to international education
Ease of implementation
Values & cultural alignment with ISP
1st place
2 month acceleration program during which the winning team will be provided with mentors, tailored training from QED and support from ISP management to bring the concept to fruition.
Additionally the winners will receive a 1 month membership at Opero including free entrance to all of the inspiration events organized that month.
Other Incentives:
Mentoring & coaching
Inspirational webinars & workshops
Invaluable feedback from the esteemed judges
Vaclav Jurcicek
Chief Business Development Officer at SmartGuide
Katerina Stehlikova
exCEO Cincink real-estate portal/My Smart Living / Entrepreneur and Start up leader at KB
Bretislav Stromko
Marketing Director and Head of Business Intelligence at Dáme jídlo
Dan Müller
Co Founder, Product Owner Aimful
Angelo Burgarello
Director of Business Development
AI Startup Incubator
Martina Kemrova
Communication strategist / mentor / dance and yoga teacher /(copy)writer
Theo Bachrach
Communications The Resilience Shift & Founder of Participate Strategies
Klara Horton
Founder of Czech Crunch Shine
Iraia Meonteagudo
Partner at Hasten Ventures / Director INNOLAB Bilbao
Petr Kovarik
CVO at Pražská čokoláda Steiner & Kovarik / Author of Síla hotentota / Co-Founder at Nastartuj Česko
Jeff Medeiros
Co-Founder, Partner KEASTONE / Adjunct Professor NYU Stern School of Business & Anglo-American University